Coconut Chicken Soup by Elana's Pantry
This recipe was inspired by Jaden’s Lemongrass Chicken and Coconut Soup from her fabulous book, The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook. I received...
More is Better?
I have often been asked by clients how many days a week I work out. It's true, I'm a lover of exercise. It makes me feel better inside...
Thanksgiving Sweet Potato & Apple Stuffed Cornish Hens with Pomegranate Glaze
Thanksgiving Sweet Potato & Apple Stuffed Cornish Hens with Pomegranate Glaze Prep time 10 mins Cook time 1 hour 15 mins Total time 1...
What's This Cholesterol Biz??
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that has a lot of important roles in the body. In other words, we need it. But when you have too much...
That fit person who’s ‘got it all together’… doesn’t. Take it from us: Everyone else is struggling,
Seem like everyone else is better, fitter and healthier than you? Like you’ll never be that ‘fit person’? If so, we’ve got some...
Consistency Period.
Often we are asked, "If I sign up for personal training, will I lose weight"? "Will I be strong?" "Will I be flexible?" "Will my blood...
Do You Need a Personal Trainer?
A personal trainer can provide creative, effective workouts, prevent injuries, ensure you hit your goals, and provide consistent,...
The War on Sitting
The War On Sitting You’ve already heard that sitting is the new smoking. Now, scientists reveal exactly how it hurts the body—and novel...
Rationalizing Quality
For all of you out there who, like me, are always trying to balance the cost of living and eating clean with the realities of living...